Welcome to the Trailerhood!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

New Chapter, a New Blog

As we begin our new journey in the trailerhood we will use this blog to chronicle our adventures, good and bad. We will use it to preserve our memories, keep friends and family updated, and encourage others to chase their dreams, no matter how crazy everyone thinks you are.

Soon this family of four (plus our two giant dogs) will move out of this semi-spaceous house with a huge yard and fence and into a 40 ft fifth wheel trailer with limited space, no yard, and no fence. Why you ask?? Well that's easy...how else do you justify buying a 40ft trailer? We have wanted one for years and through all of our research we gained one very helpful piece of advice, "Get exactly what you want, as big as you'll want, because you don't want to be stuck with one that is too small." So that's what we did! We found the type of trailer we wanted, then found the manufacturer that makes the nicest ones, and picked the biggest one they make, and wallllaaa, the Cyclone 3950!

We had other reasons too. We wanted to be closer to Steve's job, so that he would be able to come home for lunch and not have to rush. He'll be able to sleep in a few extra minutes, get home a few minutes earlier, all that good stuff. And, if he gets the transfer he wants then we will all follow along, living in the trailer until we find a place without having to rush into a purchase. Worst case scenario, he doesn't get the transfer, we pack up our stuff and move ourselves back to good ol' Texas, park the trailer somewhere scenic and begin a new journey as civilians!

Truly, the whole purpose is so we can stick together, no matter where we go, we'll all be right there together, and I couldn't think of a better group to be crammed into a trailer with.


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