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Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Thoughts of Craig Schmatz, Chief Engineer of Ford Super Duty?

As another day has began and I have yet to receive any attempted contact from Ford as I discussed in previously regarding the F450 engine surging and Ford's terrible customer service...Actually, that is not true, Ford Service Facebook Page asked for my contact information (which Ford case # 7666439 was included in the posts and they have my contact information provided in multiple letters).  I looked for the thread on facebook, but it seems it may have gone missing...hmmmmm. I do have the message with my reply, timestamps and the lack of Ford's response even on Facebook (claim they respond within an hour, HA!). However, after immediately providing the requested information more than 24 hours ago, no attempts for contact have been made.

But, I digress. As I have been half working on my final paper for the semester and cruising social media; I was developing thoughts for a construction question and found myself wondering what Craig Schmatz's opinion on this issue would be, a fellow engineer (not sure if that's engineer or Engineer since his bio does not bear the post-nominal title of an Engineer... https://media.ford.com/content/fordmedia/fna/us/en/people/craig-schmatz.html).

Let's equate this to an engineering problem. If a facility such as a Ford Motor Company's manufacturing plant or office building were constructed and a defect was found, I am quite certain that Ford would demand that the issue be resolved. This would be especially true if it occurred under the contractual warranty period. Imagine if the constructor of designer of record refused to provide the required customer service and address the issue. I am sure Ford would be quick to threaten legal action and I doubt that the contracted firms involved would leave their client in the dark for months hoping the issue would go away.

There is an obligation for engineers to conduct their practice in an ethical manner just like all other professionals. So, what are your thoughts Craig Schmatz on Ford's response to my issue so far? I would love to hear them.

I could spend a lot of time discussing this issue, but you get the idea and I have a paper to finish...

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